Hello, I'm Kajetan

I'm a Frontend Developer. I graduated as engineer from the Economics and Computer Science University of Cracow (WSEI). After gaining some experience in various branches of IT, I decided to have a profession in the field of software.

I design and create responsive websites and applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and React.

As a curious and self-motivated person I'm constantly developing skills. I’m also open for new technologies.


Html 5 logo Css 3 logo JavaScript logo TypeScript logo React logo Sass logo Github logo Responsive Web Design image Styled components logo Cordova logo



Nails website screenshot

Full responsive nails art website template.

To Do

To Do React application screenshot

To Do app created using React and Bootstrap

Cookies Eater

Cookies eater game screenshot

Mobile game using NES.css framework.


Weather application screenshot

Mobile app using weather api.

Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart application screenshot

Full responsive shopping cart created using React.

My Notes

My notes application screenshot

Mobile app that allows to add, edit and delete notes.

Ping From Server

Ping application screenshot

App allows to ping some addresses from server.

Network Tools

Network Tools app screenshot

Windows app allows to ping addresses and display internet status or informations about interfaces.


Current website screenshot.

Current portfolio website.